Historia y Experiencia

Con raíces que se remontan al año 1999, llevamos más de dos décadas dedicados a la constante formación, trabajo y evolución en el sector de las instalaciones audiovisuales y telecomunicaciones. Nuestra trayectoria se traduce en un bagaje amplio y una experiencia enriquecedora que ponemos al servicio de cada cliente que nos elige.


Professional Projector Installation Services for Home Theaters

Our projector installation services offer a wide range of options to suit your needs. We provide different types of projectors, including high-definition and 4K models, and offer various mounting options to ensure the perfect placement in your home theater. Our team of experts can also customize the installation to match your specific requirements, creating a truly immersive cinematic experience.

Tipos de proyectores

Choose from our selection of high-definition and 4K projectors.

Opciones de montaje

We offer various mounting options for optimal projector placement.

Servicios de personalización

Our team can customize the installation to meet your specific needs.

Elige entre una variedad de tipos de pantallas, tamaños y opciones de montaje.

Enhance your home theater experience with our screen installation services.

Our professional team will ensure a seamless installation process.

Get the perfect screen for your home cinema setup.

We offer a wide range of screen options to suit your needs.

Transform your living room into a private movie theater.

Experience the ultimate cinematic immersion with our screen installation services.

Experience the Best in Home Cinema Installation

At our company, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality home cinema installation services. With our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, we guarantee an exceptional cinematic experience in the comfort of your own home.


We only use the highest quality projectors, sound systems, and screens to ensure optimal performance.


Our team of experienced professionals has the knowledge and skills to deliver outstanding results.


Streamline Your Home Cinema Experience with Us

At our company, we make the process of installing a home cinema system simple and hassle-free. From the initial consultation to the final installation and after-sales support, we are here to provide you with the best experience possible.

Consultoría: Hablemos sobre tus necesidades de cine en casa.

During the consultation, our experts will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and preferences for your home cinema setup.

Instalacion: Transforma cualquier espacio en una sala de cine

Nuestro equipo capacitado se encargará del proceso de instalación, asegurando que cada componente esté correctamente instalado y calibrado para un rendimiento óptimo.

After-Sales Support: We're Here for You

Even after the installation is complete, we provide ongoing support and assistance to ensure that your home cinema system continues to deliver an exceptional viewing experience.

Transform Your Home Theater Experience

Experience the ultimate in-home cinema with our state-of-the-art audiovisual solutions.